On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 4:17 AM, Kevin Kluge <kevin.kl...@citrix.com> wrote:
> Thanks, Brett. We appreciate your help. > > -kevin > > -----Original Message----- > From: Brett Porter [mailto:br...@porterclan.net] On Behalf Of Brett Porter > Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 5:28 PM > To: general@incubator.apache.org > Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL][RFC] CloudStack for the Apache Incubator > > Hi Kevin, > > On 04/04/2012, at 3:17 AM, Kevin Kluge wrote: > > > Hi All, > > > > We would like to propose CloudStack to be an Apache Incubator project. > > > > CloudStack provides control plane software that can be used to create an > IaaS cloud. It includes an HTTP-based API for user and administrator > functions and a web UI for user and administrator access. Administrators > can provision physical infrastructure (e.g., servers, network elements, > storage) into an instance of CloudStack, while end users can use the > CloudStack self-service API and UI for the provisioning and management of > virtual machines, virtual disks, and virtual networks. Additional > information is available at http://cloudstack.org/ and > http://docs.cloudstack.org/. > > > > The draft proposal document is available at > http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/CloudStackProposal. There are a few > incomplete sections in the proposal. We have left "XXX" marks by those as > reminders, and we'll complete those sections in the next few days as the > proposal evolves. > > > > We're excited about the opportunity to work with ASF and the community > to create an Incubator project for cloud orchestration. We'll welcome all > feedback on the proposal. Thanks. > > The proposal looks good - I appreciate that you've called out some of the > challenges directly. > > I'm able to help mentor the project, so I've added my name to the wiki. > > I'd also like to help, been following you guys for some time and think you have a good community around a great product. I've been looking for a solid Java based alternative to oVirt before finding CloudStack. I also have added myself to the wiki as a mentor. -- Best Regards, -- Alex