Thanks Arvind!

On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 1:00 AM, Arvind Prabhakar <> wrote:

> The Apache Sqoop project entered incubator in June of 2011. Since then we
> have added three new committers from diverse organizations and added two
> new PPMC members. The codebase of our product has steadily grown and we
> have made two releases following the ASF policies and guidelines. Thanks to
> the excellent mentorship we have received through this period, we have
> learnt to self-govern and grow our community using accepted Apache
> practices. Sqoop continues to attract interest from contributors and users
> from all across the world.
> Given these milestones, I strongly feel that Sqoop is ready to graduate
> from Incubator.
> The first step towards graduation is to vote as a community that Sqoop is
> ready to graduate. If the vote is successful, we will draft a board
> resolution proposal and call it to vote on the general Incubator list. The
> complete graduation process is described [1].
> Please cast your votes:
> [  ]  +1 Graduate Sqoop from Incubator
> [  ]  +0 Indifferent to graduation status of Sqoop
> [  ]  +1 Reject graduation of Sqoop from Incubator
> This vote will remain open for at least 72 hours from now.
> [1]
> Thanks,
> Arvind Prabhakar

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