I don't think one approach precludes the other.  Agreed that incubator
needs to keep going in the interim.  Perhaps we can spin off groups
one at a time, starting with just one to get the bugs worked out?


On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 8:13 PM, Marvin Humphrey <mar...@rectangular.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 03, 2012 at 12:52:33AM +0100, Leo Simons wrote:
>> The basic idea is to split the current single really big group that is
>> the incubator into smaller groups that still cooperate and discuss and
>> whatnot, but are accountable and overseen separately. These smaller
>> groups become their own committees with their own VPs that report to
>> the Board.
>> Is that a reasonable re-statement of the abstract idea? Is that
>> something we can all get behind?
> Completing such a task will be a lot of work, and who knows what complications
> and disagreements lie ahead?  We have an incremental solution in front of us
> which mitigates some of our most pressing problems: the measured expansion of
> Joe Schaefer's successful "experiment" to add PPMC Members who have
> demonstrated a thorough understanding of the Apache Way to the IPMC.
> I don't support this boil-the-ocean revamp if it blocks the less ambitious
> reforms.  An indefinite period where release votes continue to drag on for
> weeks is unacceptable.
> Marvin Humphrey
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