On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:37 PM, Brett Porter wrote:

> On 25/10/2011, at 9:02 AM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
>> With respect ot an early version of the report, there was confusion as to
>> which podlings needed to report this month, but we appear to have it
>> straightened out.  The Wiki page had a few too many projects loaded onto it.
> I removed Wave from the bottom as it reported last month, but Imperius, 
> JSPWiki, and Kitty appear to be missing according to the reporting schedule. 
> Also, it seems Callback isn't scheduled to first report until December - was 
> that a mistake on the schedule page or a deliberate decision by the mentors?

Imperius is retired -- must be some additional cleanup required. I'll track it 
down, but might not be 'till ApacheCon…

There was a bit of confusion for the Kitty project because they got an email 
notice but weren't listed in the template on the Incubator wiki. Someone did 
asked about it on the kitty dev list. However, I got my podlings confused 
(another of my podlings was listed in the template, but wasn't due for a 
report). And I incorrectly assumed Kitty wasn't due to report this month...

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