On 2011-08-05 19:44, Robert Burrell Donkin wrote:
> Rat is (now) one of the oldest podlings, and has an unusually high
> proportion of experience Apache contributors. The community and code
> are small (perhaps too small) for a top level project (TLP).
> Rat tools conceptually run downstream from the build in the continuous
> delivery space, assisting comprehension and verification of assembled
> source and binary artifacts but. It is natural also to include
> bindings for various build systems (to catch problems early) and
> generative repair tools within scope. No suitable TLP exists which is
> build system and language agnostic.
> So Rat is in limbo.
> There seems to be quite a number of existing unsatisfied related use
> cases eg [1][2] here at Apache. I suspect that with the arrival of
> OOo, automation is going to become essential and new tools will need
> to be developed in a variety of languages.
> In the podling, there is now a rough consensus that graduating to a
> new TLP would be the right path. Though the community is currently
> small, it could act as a seed for efforts to address these problems
> and grow as a home for these tools.
> But before we start to draw up more detailed proposals, I'd like to
> take some soundings...
> Opinions?

+1 for RAT as a TLP

> Robert
> [1] 
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-rat-dev/201106.mbox/%3CBANLkTikiWPDsipDV9wCG8bGFnW=qwbw...@mail.gmail.com%3E
> [2] 
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/www-legal-discuss/201107.mbox/%3c4e2f098b.7080...@schor.com%3E
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Dennis Lundberg

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