+1 on the proposal

But comment though on the mailing lists you asked for, I updated them,
so would you please take a look. In brief the changes are:

1- You missed adding odf-private@ which is for Podling Project
Management Committee specific discussion which MUST be private.
2- For issues and CI notifications we use the dev@ for that purpose no
need to have their own mailing lists.

One last note, I believe you need to rename your mailing lists to be
deft-*. I could have done that but wanted to notify you first :).

On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 9:27 AM, Yegor Kozlov <yegor.koz...@dinom.ru> wrote:
>> Can we do this for now?  If anyone is committed to the project and
>> able to contribute, please respond to this note with some indication
>> of your interest.  The proposers can then review this information and
>> add names to the wiki accordingly.  There is a  "checks and balances"
>> aspect to this as well.  If the proposers are seen as rejecting
>> earnest offers of help from the community, then that could clearly be
>> a factor in how the proposal is voted on.
> Shall we cc the proposal to the Tika and PDFBox dev lists? These
> projects are listed in the "Relationships" section and there may be
> interest on their side too.
> Yegor
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- Mohammad Nour
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