On Jul 21, 2011, at 7:10 AM, Andy Brown wrote:

> Rob Weir wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 8:03 PM, Andy Brown <a...@the-martin-byrd.net> wrote:
>>> Rob Weir wrote:
>>>> And I've added it to the wiki:
>>>> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/ODFToolkitProposal
>>>> -Rob
>>> What can I do to help?
>> Good question.  Once the project is set up, there will be many areas
>> where we would benefit from contributions.  Naturally, this includes
>> Java programmers, but also QA, documentation, and of course, users.
> I was referring to get it approved as an incubator project.  I see no
> where to sign up as a committer as we had with OOo.

I would like to help as well. Are people allowed to add their names to the 

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