Hi, Ralph:
     I am not avoiding the truth that we suck during the last three years,
though we were once at the verge of release.  It's* just* we  *Bluesky Team
@ XJTU ,Xi'an China* fail to make it good, please remember it well. I
believe projects from  school could also rock in Apache as well. You can
look down up on us but you can't deny others.
     I had a propose that community give us the last chance for 1-2month and
certain member could become our mentor to lead us finish  releasing the
newest version.   During this time slot. What you would see includes:

   1. gradually increasing discussion in bluesky-dev mailing list.
   Meaningless discussion would not count.
   2. committing of source code after they were cleaned up.
   Inactive committers would be revoked and new committers would apply to join
   3. preparing for what release needs and make the release successful. Thus
   the new developers and committers could completely experienced the release
   process and know about "How" things are done in Apache community better.

     If community accept my suggestion, individually, i want the BlueSky
project under strict surveillance by community members. If we can't fulfill
what we just promised, then just kick us out of here and i would have noting
to say.
     Well, suppose we live through that, besides working in Apache way, we
would continually working on to evolve BlueSky to make it much more easier
to use in  e-learning area and used in a larger scope(now bluesky has
been deployed in China and is about to be applied in India ), so that more
students in undeveloped district could share the same high quality education
as the developed area.
      Sincerely, i would invite you Ralph to be our mentor in this 1-2 month
if you were not busy enough and willing to guide us. Don't feel sorry if you
want to refuse me.TOT

2011/6/30 Ralph Goers <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com>

> Sorry, but the explanation below makes things sound even worse. Apache
> projects are not here to give students a place to do school work. What you
> have described is not a community.  If the project cannot build a community
> of people who are interested in the project for more than a school term then
> it doesn't belong here.
> Ralph
> On Jun 29, 2011, at 8:12 PM, SamuelKevin wrote:
> > Hi, Noel:
> >
> > 2011/6/30 Noel J. Bergman <n...@devtech.com>
> >
> >> Joe Schaefer wrote:
> >>> Chen Liu wrote:
> >>>> We propose to move future development of BlueSky to the Apache
> Software
> >>>> Foundation in order to build a broader user and developer community.
> >>
> >>> You are supposed to be doing your development work in the ASF
> subversion
> >>> repository, using ASF mailing lists, as peers.
> >>
> >> Chen, as Joe points out, these are what BlueSky should have been doing
> for
> >> the past three (3) years, and yet we still here a proposal for the
> future.
> >>
> >>> Looking at the (limited) commit history, there is a total imbalance
> >> between
> >>> the number of people associated with the development work (20+) and the
> >>> number of people with Apache accounts here (2).
> >>
> >> I guess i can explain that. Most of the developers of BlueSky project
> are
> > students. As you all know, students come  when they join in school and go
> > after they graduate. So the active developers are around 10. Like we used
> to
> > have 5 committers, but now we only have 2 committers in active.
> >
> >> Again, as Joe points out, ALL of BlueSky development should been done
> via
> >> the ASF infrastructure, not periodically synchronized.  We are a
> >> development
> >> community, not a remote archive.
> >>
> >>> What we really need you to discuss are *plans*, how you will implement
> >> them,
> >>> who will implement them, and how you will collaborate in the codebase
> as
> >> peers.
> >>
> >> Joe, again, has this on the money.  The BlueSky project must immediately
> >> make significant strides to rectify these issues.  Now, not later.
> >>
> >> We should see:
> >>
> >> 1) All current code in the ASF repository.
> >> 2) All development via ASF accounts (get the rest of the people signed
> >> up).
> >> 3) Ddevelopment discussion on the mailing list.
> >> 4) All licensing issues cleaned up.
> >>
> >> According to what you've listed, i would forward your suggestion to
> bluesky
> > dev list and wish we could make a quick response after
> > discussion. Appreciate your help.
> > regards,
> > Kevin
> >
> >>       --- Noel
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> >
> >
> > --
> > Bowen Ma a.k.a Samuel Kevin @ Bluesky Dev Team    XJTU
> > Shaanxi Province Key Lab. of Satellite and Terrestrial Network Tech
> > http://incubator.apache.org/bluesky/
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Bowen Ma a.k.a Samuel Kevin @ Bluesky Dev Team    XJTU
Shaanxi Province Key Lab. of Satellite and Terrestrial Network Tech

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