On 16 June 2011 17:29, Richard Frovarp <rfrov...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 06/15/2011 08:47 PM, sebb wrote:
>> On 12 June 2011 04:43, Richard Frovarp<rfrov...@apache.org>  wrote:
>>> Please vote on the release cndidate for Apache Droids Incubating, version
>>> 0.1-incubating. I've received one binding IPMC +1 votes and 2 non-binding
>>> +1
>>> votes.
>>> PPMC release vote thread:
>>> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-droids-dev/201106.mbox/%3c4de7d6cc.8080...@apache.org%3E
>>> Source files:
>>> http://people.apache.org/~rfrovarp/droids/
>>> Maven staging repo:
>>> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachedroids-011/
>>> SVN source tag (r1127762):
>>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/droids/tags/0.1-incubating/
>>> PGP release keys (signed using 3698A2B1):
>>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/droids/KEYS
>>> [ ] +1
>>> [ ] +0
>>> [ ] -1
>> There must be a disclaimer saying that the project is undergoing
>> Incubation.
>> This is normally in a DISCLAIMER file, which should be in SVN, source
>> and binary archives.
> Added.
>> The website should also carry a prominent disclaimer, nromally at the
>> start of the index page.
> Will have someone work on that.
>> The NOTICE file must only contain required notices, and only for items
>> that are actually included in the release, not run-time dependencies
>> that are downloaded by Maven.
>> E.g. is JUnit included in the release? If not, remove the reference.
>> Do not add any extraneous text to the Notice file - e.g explanations
>> and headings - it should be as short as possible (but no shorter).
> Done.
>> The project name should be shown as "Apache Droids" in the Notice file(s).
> Fixed as well.
>> I think the above all need to be fixed before release.
>> The source archive contents agree with SVN (apart from extra files
>> generated by Maven).
>> Sigs and hashes are OK; key is in public PGP repo.
>> Contents of jar files look good; there are N&L files in the META-INF dir.
>> The source and javadoc jar manifests could include the Specification
>> entries.
> I don't know that I completely understand this. I'm not too familiar with
> the manifest files, and adding specification into a search returns back the
> specs on the file format.

I meant the Specification entries which are already in the binary jar
manifests, for example:

Specification-Title: Apache Droids Core
Specification-Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Specification-Version: 0.1-incubating

These would also be useful in the source and javadoc jar manifests.

[The Implementation entries really only apply to binary jars.]

>> It would be useful to include the Java source and target versions in
>> the binary jar manifests.
> Will do.
>> The SVN properties don't appear to have been set on many of the source
>> files, which suggests that some committers have not set up their SVN
>> defaults correctly.
>> (I'll raise a JIRA for correcting the properties)
> Applied / fixed. Thanks.
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