On Thu, 2011-06-09 at 14:27 -0400, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> > Ultimately with a suite of 8+ million lines, packed with obscure features,
> > and thousands of lines of change a day it is fairly easy to slip things in,
> > to the potential detriment of other users of the code.
> Wait.  How is an IP remediation of "potential detriment of other users of
> the code"?  I can appreciate your concern over potential submarine patents
> -- we do have a clause to address that -- but how is REMOVAL of a problem
> a potential detriment?

        The removal is great, we want to do that too (though as a separation).
The problem is if it is done silently and in a way that is obscured. It
would be easy to hide the "what to remove" making it available only to
those using a verbatim Apache Office.

        This is what I want to avoid; I would like to winkle this information
out, publicly, to ensure that LibreOffice (and others: gnumeric, KOffice
etc.) can take advantage of it. Is that clearer ?



 michael.me...@novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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