On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 12:04 AM,  <robert_w...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> Niall Pemberton <niall.pember...@gmail.com> wrote on 06/05/2011 06:45:16
> PM:
>> > I'll lend a voice to the contrary.
>> >
>> > I can't see why splitting a community should be a factor in entry to
> the
>> > incubator. Just about every new open source community is trying topull
> away
>> > developers from another community doing similar stuff. That's the
> nature of
>> > the beast.
>> True, but when its essentially the same software, rather than
>> different software solving the same problem? If I proposed a new
>> project that was a fork of the HTTP project, how would that go down?
> Apache is obviously a market success, nearly 63% market share by some
> studies.    OOo, relative to the stature of the main competitor
> (Microsoft) has had much more modest penetration.  Maybe 10%.  LO market
> share is much smaller, but that may be due to its very early status and
> relatively lower adoption on Windows.  Also, it has had only had 2 stable
> releases so far, compared to the 10 year history of OOo.
> In any case, I hope you would agree that divergence in market leading
> project should be evaluated by an entirely different set of criteria than
> in the open source office suite area.  They are not comparable at all.
> So I recommend the follow question for consideration: What gets us to 60%
> for open source productivity?  Or even a respectable 20%  We might have
> different opinions on that, but is there anyone truly so confident in
> their own opinion that they would deny an attempt to try a different
> approach?  Apache OpenOffice could go to 20%.  It could go to zero.  LO
> could go to 20%.  It could go to zero.  None of us are omniscient, not
> even Simon ;-)  But we know this much, starting from such humble
> beginnings, we have far more to gain than lose by permitting multiple
> horses to run in this race.

It could be argued either way. I am sure if IBM put its efforts to
LibreOffice then I'm sure it would be a great success. So why doesn't
IBM want to take part when theres a great FOSS community already in


> -Rob

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