Hello Eric,

2011/6/2 eric b <eric.bach...@free.fr>

> Hi,
> Le 2 juin 11 à 17:16, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :
>> I do have a question though. To me it's unclear whether the Openoffice
>> project has any real development ressources. I see so far one developer
>> and
>> Rob, who I know to be a distinguished engineer from IBM but who has never
>> contributed code to OpenOffice, if I recall.
> I never heard of any line of code from yourself in OpenOffice.org either.
> Can you point us some links please ?

I don't pretend to be a developer, never did.

>  I'm a bit surprised by this as TDF has now over 200 developers,
> That's obviously not true :  I myself follow LibreOffice development lists
> since the beginning, reading most of the changes and patches, and I don't
> see 200 "developers", means people able to write some new feature of fix
> serious bugs in any OpenOffice.org derivative product.
> Of course you can add contributions from Oracle devs either, but that's a
> lie too, since all OpenOffice.org cws's were added, without Oracle devs
> being informed they "contributed" :-)

> Maybe you counted 200 people -say hackers- who contributed in various ways,
> simple patches or little removing ?

The definition of developers should be kept simple: people who contribute
This article will give you some data on the "200" people :


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