Le 2 juin 11 à 17:16, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :
I do have a question though. To me it's unclear whether the Openoffice
project has any real development ressources. I see so far one
developer and
Rob, who I know to be a distinguished engineer from IBM but who has
contributed code to OpenOffice, if I recall.
I never heard of any line of code from yourself in OpenOffice.org
Can you point us some links please ?
I'm a bit surprised by this as TDF has now over 200 developers,
That's obviously not true : I myself follow LibreOffice development
lists since the beginning, reading most of the changes and patches,
and I don't see 200 "developers", means people able to write some new
feature of fix serious bugs in any OpenOffice.org derivative product.
Of course you can add contributions from Oracle devs either, but
that's a lie too, since all OpenOffice.org cws's were added, without
Oracle devs being informed they "contributed" :-)
Maybe you counted 200 people -say hackers- who contributed in various
ways, simple patches or little removing ?
To be more objective, count around 30 people sending code and really
able to implement something in LO. But considering serious changes,
this is another story, and you shouldn't, for credibility reasons go
in this direction.
Eric Bachard
Education Project:
Projet OOo4Kids : http://wiki.ooo4kids.org/index.php/Main_Page
L'association EducOOo : http://www.educoo.org
Blog : http://eric.bachard.org/news