Begin forwarded message:

> From: Louis Suarez-Potts <>
> Date: June 1, 2011 2:58:02 PM EDT
> To: Jim Jagielski <>
> Cc: Louis Suarez-Potts <>, Italo Vignoli 
> <>, Sam Ruby <>
> Subject: Re: OpenOffice and the ASF
> message-id: <>
> For me, yes, share. And I quite agree that more is better and transparency is 
> crucial, but also concerned about size/productivity ratio.
> -louis
> On 2011-06-01, at 14:35 , Jim Jagielski wrote:
>> BTW: would it be OK if I shared this email on the ASF
>> general@incubator list...? Again, just to be open and
>> public from the start.
>> On Jun 1, 2011, at 2:18 PM, Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> You know, I am not sure I've actually met Jim, though I have met Sam and 
>>> had splendid dinners with Italo.
>>> On 2011-06-01, at 14:00 , Jim Jagielski wrote:
>>>> Now that the cat is out of the bag, we are welcoming and encouraging
>>>> involvement from everyone. The initial draft of the proposal
>>>> is located:
>>>> and we want to really increase the list of initial committers. As
>>>> the main contacts for the OOo and LOo communities, you both are
>>>> ideally suited to share the link with your communities, and I ask
>>>> that you do so, so that we can have a podling that well represents
>>>> the community and ecosystem as a whole.
>>>> Cheers!
>>> Thanks, Jim. As I mentioned in my post to OOo's marketing project (I lead 
>>> it), and also in my blog, ooo-speak on Blogger, I'm really interested in 
>>> establishing groundwork for the reconciliation of the divided communities 
>>> and for real, true open-source community focused on OOo technology, 
>>> including the ODF.
>>> I will surely rally the OOo community around this flag. But I also suggest 
>>> a conference call as soon as can be arranged between the interested 
>>> parties. I'm not sure who all those be. But I'd hope it includes ODF 
>>> stalwarts such as Rob Weir and Don Harbison, Apache folk, LibreOffice, and 
>>> OOo ....
>>> I don't have (yet) an agenda; that's something to think more about, at 
>>> least if we want a productive and not just venting meeting, though there is 
>>> something to be said about venting.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Louis
>>> ----
>>> Louis Suarez-Potts, PhD
>>> Community Manager
>>> Chair, Community Council
>>> Time Zone, −0400 UTC
>>> +1.416.531.9513 (landline)
>>> +1.416.625.3843 (mobile)
>>> AIM:
>>> GTalk:
>>> Skype: louisiam
>>> Blog:

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