I like your view on this.
I hope things are going well?
I now work in Groningen, the Netherlands.

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Glen Daniels <g...@thoughtcraft.com> wrote:
> +1 as usual to Benson's extremely reasonable and pleasantly snarky viewpoint.
> While I do see the dangers of fragmenting the community, I think people often
> go too far in downplaying the benefits of real-time communication.  Quick
> back-and-forths can enable complex scenarios to be thought through in a much
> more effective way than asynchronous emails, without the need to constantly
> "page back in" in order to follow the discussion.  Simple misunderstandings
> often can be cleared up in minutes instead of hours or days.  And the sense
> of getting to know someone is often subjectively deeper in chat, and much
> more so on a phone call.  These things all help move a project forward and
> keep communities together.
> I feel like a bunch of people have a rather rigid "real-time BAD (well,
> except ApacheCon), email GOOD" attitute, or at least come across that way on
> email, and I'd like to make sure that the other side of it - i.e. "real-time,
> when thoughtfully and appropriately integrated into a project, can provide
> some deep value to the whole community" - isn't shuffled under the rug.  IMO,
> we should be messaging about how to do it well if it's desired, not whether
> or not to do it at all.
> Thanks,
> --Glen
> On 11/22/2010 8:56 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:
>> As a mentor of ISIS, I'd like to ask everyone to give them a little
>> breathing room on this subject.
>> Many TLP's in good standing have active IRC channels. These have very
>> closely related risks to open communities. Many TLPs in good standing
>> hold in-person meetups from time to time.
>> This is not to claim that the warnings in this thread are pointless.
>> They are good warnings. However, it's the job of us mentors to help
>> the community avoid the traps of Skype, IRC, meetups, co-workers, and
>> the secret conspiracies of the trilateral commission, which works
>> tirelessly to subvert Apache communities.
>> If it makes anyone feel any better, I plan, as a mentor, to _avoid_
>> the Skype calls, and so to maintain a perspective comparable to that
>> of someone off-time-zone.
>> --benson
>> On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 7:54 AM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:
>>> By definition, ANY such meeting will exclude some people; it's just the
>>> nature of the beast. Anyone not in that timezone either will not be
>>> able to attend or will need to go out of their way to attend. As
>>> such, it is *very* easy to disenfranchise large groups of people,
>>> esp if the Skype chat is seen as "the place" to discuss ISIS.
>>> Your generic comment about "individuals like to communicate during
>>> long & lonely nights in front of the keyboard" is also off the mark
>>> as well... Some do, sure, but not all. Again, this sends a signal that
>>> if you want to be part of ISIS you need to fall into that group. Not
>>> a good way to build a diverse community.
>>> On Nov 19, 2010, at 5:41 PM, Siegfried Goeschl wrote:
>>>> Hi folks,
>>>> open source projects are done by individuals. And individuals like to 
>>>> communicate during long & lonely nights in front of the keyboard. And 
>>>> meeting the other ISIS developers is difficult since the are spread around 
>>>> the globe.
>>>> So if the ISIS developer/users/mentors/community decide to run a regular 
>>>> Skype meeting to meet each other electronically assuming
>>>> +) that the meeting is announced on the dev list
>>>> +) that we not exclude any interested party (apart from troll feeding)
>>>> +) that no official statement/vote is circumvented
>>>> than I don't see any good reason why someone could complain about it 
>>>> and/or impose rules how to organize such a "come together".
>>>> Speaking as one of the participants
>>>> +) I was impressed by Dan's energy to organize the meeting
>>>> +) I was delighted that we were a dozen developers on Skype
>>>> *) I was glad to answer a few questions about the ASF (despite being 
>>>> seriously distracted by my two daughters on my lap)
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Siegfried Goeschl
>>>> Apache ISIS Mentor
>>>> On 11/19/10 10:52 PM, Craig L Russell wrote:
>>>>> On Nov 19, 2010, at 11:04 AM, Greg Stein wrote:
>>>>>> A full transcription shouldn't be necessary.
>>>>> I agree. Transcript is too strong for what I think needs to be done,
>>>>> which is...
>>>>>> Just bring a summary of
>>>>>> discussion points back to the list, along with any recommendations.
>>>>>> The list can then sort through it and make decisions.
>>>>> What you said. Not a transcript but a list of topics and discussion
>>>>> points which continue on list.
>>>>> Craig
>>>>>> We have off-list discussions all the time (IM, IRC, in-person). We
>>>>>> don't transcribe those. We just bring the discussion onto the list for
>>>>>> wrapping it up with everybody present. Skype concalls are no different
>>>>>> than these other forums.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> -g
>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 13:18, Craig L Russell
>>>>>> <craig.russ...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> My $0.02:
>>>>>>> The business of Apache is conducted on email.
>>>>>>> It's fine to have a periodic conference call among interested project
>>>>>>> participants, as long as (my list, not normative):
>>>>>>> no project or community member is excluded (e.g. by posting the call
>>>>>>> information only to a private list)
>>>>>>> no decisions are made during the call
>>>>>>> all topics discussed are subsequently posted via email to the project
>>>>>>> members
>>>>>>> Having an audio transcript is interesting but doesn't pass my email
>>>>>>> test. So
>>>>>>> I'd have to say that someone needs to transcribe the audio into email.
>>>>>>> Craig
>>>>>>> On Nov 19, 2010, at 9:29 AM, James Carman wrote:
>>>>>>>> I don't know about this. Whatever we do has to be trackable and
>>>>>>>> "open", so I don't know about this Skype stuff. Requiring folks to
>>>>>>>> watch a video or listen to an audio recording rather than reading a
>>>>>>>> transcript is probably not a good idea. I'm copying the general list
>>>>>>>> to see what others have to say.
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Mohammad Nour El-Din
>>>>>>>> <nour.moham...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Good idea
>>>>>>>>> +1 on the Skype monthly meeting.
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 11:14 AM, Alexander Krasnukhin
>>>>>>>>> <the.malk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> At least it makes me feel ISIS is really going somewhere. I don't
>>>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>>>>> to explain this. E.g. there are some real ALIVE people involved :).
>>>>>>>>>> Monthly is good.
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 12:05 PM, Mike Burton
>>>>>>>>>> <mi...@mycosystems.co.uk>wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Yes very useful interesting and enjoyable, thanks for organising it.
>>>>>>>>>>> Yes
>>>>>>>>>>> monthly similar would be good.
>>>>>>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>>>>>>> On 19 Nov 2010, at 10:49, Dan Haywood <dkhayw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> First off, thanks to all for attending, and I really enjoyed the
>>>>>>>>>>> opportunity. Hope it was useful. It was nice, actually, to read the
>>>>>>>>>>> transcript on the Skype IM call afterwards (I didn't get the oppo
>>>>>>>>>>> to do
>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>> while I was demo'ing).
>>>>>>>>>>>> Second, my apols that I didn't have the demo working. Of course,
>>>>>>>>>>>> after
>>>>>>>>>>> the call finished I figured out the problem in about 2 minutes.
>>>>>>>>>>> At any
>>>>>>>>>>> rate, the details on running the demo for yourselves are on the
>>>>>>>>>>> "SmokeTest"
>>>>>>>>>>> page on the wiki [1].
>>>>>>>>>>>> Third, per a recording, like Kevin I also recorded the call using
>>>>>>>>>>> CallGraph, though mine seems to have recorded ok. It's about 92Mb,
>>>>>>>>>>> recorded it in stereo, and what Skype did is distribute the voices
>>>>>>>>>>> across
>>>>>>>>>>> the spectrum, which I think is quite nice. Anyway, I've just
>>>>>>>>>>> uploaded
>>>>>>>>>>> it to
>>>>>>>>>>> my dropbox account and I'll post the URL on isis-private. (If you
>>>>>>>>>>> aren't
>>>>>>>>>>> subscribed there, contact me directly).
>>>>>>>>>>>> Lastly, it'd be nice to do a similar call like that now and
>>>>>>>>>>>> again. We
>>>>>>>>>>> could perhaps set one up every month, attendance purely optional.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thoughts?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>>>>>>>> [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/ISIS/smoketest.html
>>>>>>>>>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 18/11/2010 20:08, Kevin Meyer - KMZ wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Dan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for organizing the call.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was not able to record the entire call - Of the 56 minutes
>>>>>>>>>>>>> captured, a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> lot of it is silence. I'm not sure if it is an issue with the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> app or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>>>> machine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anyway, thanks to all who participated, it was good to be able to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> associate voices with the emails.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Alexander
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>> - Mohammad Nour
>>>>>>>>> Author of (WebSphere Application Server Community Edition 2.0 User
>>>>>>>>> Guide)
>>>>>>>>> http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/abstracts/sg247585.html
>>>>>>>>> - LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mnour
>>>>>>>>> - Blog: http://tadabborat.blogspot.com
>>>>>>>>> ----
>>>>>>>>> "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep
>>>>>>>>> moving"
>>>>>>>>> - Albert Einstein
>>>>>>>>> "Writing clean code is what you must do in order to call yourself a
>>>>>>>>> professional. There is no reasonable excuse for doing anything less
>>>>>>>>> than your best."
>>>>>>>>> - Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
>>>>>>>>> "Stay hungry, stay foolish."
>>>>>>>>> - Steve Jobs
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>>>>>>> P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!
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>>>>> Craig L Russell
>>>>> Architect, Oracle
>>>>> http://db.apache.org/jdo
>>>>> 408 276-5638 mailto:craig.russ...@oracle.com
>>>>> P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!
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