Hi Emmanuel Lecharny and all...

   You are right, this is why this kind of meetings are not related to
decisions making in general, they are just like an online
get-together/meetup, they are optional not mandatory to attend, and no
decisions are taken in them, just brain storming, comments, ideas
which again are recorded in a briefing e-mail so what has been
discussed in it is shared with others who could not attend it.

One good sign of such calls is that we could encourage two new members
to join the project and exchange ideas, they are:

1- Robert Van Poelgeest.
2- Vangjel Stavro.

And imagine such impact on these new members, that they could attend
and share their ideas and experiences live with the rest of the team,
which helped in breaking the ice by introducing ourselves to each
other and also give a brief history about the project and what we are
looking forward to have, etc. It was really a very encouraging
experience for all of us and it proved that it is a faster way to
include new members and get them blended in fast enough to see what
they can contribute to the project.

I really understand all of your concerns and I really appreciate it
that you always remind us with what we should take care of, and I am
sure that mentors of Apache Isis project are Apache's guarding eyes to
make sure that we are not drifting away from Apache rules/processes

On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 11:51 PM, Emmanuel Lecharny <elecha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11/19/10 11:52 PM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 11:41 PM, Siegfried Goeschl
>> <siegfried.goes...@it20one.at>  wrote:
>>> ...if the ISIS developer/users/mentors/community decide to run a regular
>>> Skype meeting to meet each other electronically assuming
>>> +) that the meeting is announced on the dev list
>>> +) that we not exclude any interested party (apart from troll feeding)
>>> +) that no official statement/vote is circumvented
>>> than I don't see any good reason why someone could complain about it
>>> and/or
>>> impose rules how to organize such a "come together"....
>> I agree that having such calls (or any other off-list
>> discussion/event) with the conditions that you indicate is fine - I'd
>> just add that anything important must be relayed to the dev list. I'm
>> sure people who cannot attend the call will appreciate a short summary
>> sent on the list.
> I'll just warn you that such skype meetings every month simply don't scale
> as soon as you have people in different TZ, and when most of the people are
> participating on their free time.
> Also it can be very frustrating for someone in Australia to have to wake up
> at 7am in order to follow a meeting occurring at 5 pm in the USA and at 1 am
> in europ...
> I'm just trying to tell you what I have learned from a previous
> experience... It might not fail for you, but at least, you know what are the
> dangers you'll face :)
> My 2cts...
> --
> Regards,
> Cordialement,
> Emmanuel Lécharny
> www.iktek.com
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