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On 20/04/10 15:11, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Christian Grobmeier
> <grobme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I don't think this should be an incubation blocker, although some of us
>>> have really strong feelings against Jira and even stronger against
>>> Bugzilla. Therefore, if we can sort out this stuff before, it's good. :)
>> I wrote the infra team an e-mail, lets see what they answer..
> I'm not part of the infra team but I doubt they will be willing to
> install yet another issue tracker just for one project.
> Projects can have they own Solaris zones to install (mostly) whatever
> they want [2], but their uptime/backup is not guaranteed by infra
> AFAIK, so that would place an additional burden on the project's PMC.

Even I am really not in favor for using Jira as an issue tracker, I
could live with that. The CI server is a different issue, since it is
not vital for the project I guess it would be no deal if someone runs
additional CI services somewhere else. If we can install it on Apache
servers, it would be even better.

I wouldn't consider this as a blocker.


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Kore Nordmann                                        (GPG 0xDDC70BBB)
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