As discussion is settling down, I'd like to aim for Tuesday next week
(15 Sept) to call a vote.

Peter, does that give you time to supply your initial set of committers?


2009/9/10 Jeremy Hughes <>:
> 2009/9/10 Peter Peshev <>:
>> Hi Jeremy,
>> Thanks , we would need a few more days to finalize all the
>> participants from our side, some people are on vacation this week .
>> Maybe it could be even a bigger number.
> Wow, sounds like you have a lot to contribute :-)
>>  Is there a deadline ?
> No, there's no deadline. When the discussion has settled down then
> we'll wait for a few days before calling for a vote to accept Aries as
> a podling. If the vote is successful then the podling is set up with
> (among other things) the set of initial committers and the mailing
> lists described in the proposal. The way we grow the (developer)
> community from there is to vote on making contributors into committers
> on the dev mailing list we would have set up. So there is plenty of
> opportunity to add committers - in fact, like any other Apache
> community, we absolutely rely on it to grow.
> Cheers,
> Jeremy

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