2009/9/2 Leo Simons <m...@leosimons.com>:
> On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Jeremy Hughes<hugh...@apache.org> wrote:
>> We appreciate any feedback and comments on the proposal.
> * Projects that consist of groups of components often have some
> problems maintaining sufficient cohesion as a community. I hope you
> guys will give that the specific attention it probably requires and
> tune the project charter appropriately.

I've modified the Community section of the proposal adding the section
between *** this:

OSGi is a mature Java modularity technology that is well-used in many
environments but, in the enterprise space, has more typically been
exploited by the internals of the runtime infrastructure than the
applications that run on it. This is primarily because of a lack of a
clear enterprise OSGi application programming model and implementation
of OSGi-enabled Java technology to support enterprise applications.
There is a need for open source implementations of these technologies
and there is currently no Apache project focused on the wider goal of
delivering components for an enterprise OSGi application programming
model. *** We recognise that projects comprising multiple components
face challenges maintaining cohesion as a community but believe the
common focus on the enterprise OSGi programming model is a strong
theme that will guide the activities of the community as a whole. ***
Aries aims to build a community of developers interested in the
definition and delivery of software components that support an
enterprise OSGi programming model and which can be integrated into a
number of different runtime environments. By maintaining independence
of both the target runtime and underlying OSGi framework it is our
intention to build the broadest possible community of developers.

I hope this shows that this is on our radar.


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