2009/7/16 Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com>:
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 11:25 PM, Niclas Hedhman wrote:
>> 2009/7/14 Noel J. Bergman <n...@devtech.com>:
>>>> +1 (binding) on the singular change of dropping Mladen Turk and Nick Kew
>>>> as Mentors since that makes it 5 mentors, which is problematic (3 seems
>>>> to be the max).
>>> Where does that idea come from?  Mentors are Incubator PMC members.  If
>>> more
>>> than three (3) want to engage on a project that interests them, why limit
>>> it?  Any issues that might arise from having more than three (3) would
>>> arise
>>> in the world outside of the Incubator, too.
>> I think it comes from Jim's head ;-) possibly via an observation that
>> some podlings have a lot of signed up Mentors but few who takes charge
>> and get the things moving, especially the first couple of months. I
>> disagree that it is related to 'how many' (more=worse) and is really
>> an issue of "quality by quantity", in that "quantity" increases the
>> chances that there are some "quality" in the group. Sometimes I feel
>> it was easier in the days of a single Mentor, since the
>> blame^h^h^h^h^h responsibility is obvious, but being the single Mentor
>> is 'too much work' for me to go back to such arrangement.
> +1

This is an interesting point.

With the Wookie proposal (currently voting), we have 6 mentors (it
would have been 7 but I removed my self from the mentor list and stuck
with Champion).

Perhaps the Champion should be responsible for ensuring that someone
actually takes ownership of the mentoring activities. Or perhaps the
proposal should identify a "lead" mentor whose responsibility is to
ensure nothing slips through the cracks.


Ross Gardler

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