Jim Jagielski wrote:
> +1 (binding) on the singular change of dropping Mladen Turk and Nick Kew
> as Mentors since that makes it 5 mentors, which is problematic (3 seems
> to be the max).
> Otherwise -1 (binding)

Guys... mentorship is not about technical excellence, it's about bringing
together a code base with a community.

You have a list of mentors who happen to be experts in the particular field.
How do you suppose this affects the evolution of the project?  How do you
think the authors will react when the expert/ombudsman/spokesvoice of the
ASF starts arguing implementation?

If the ASF folks want to do things this way, I suggest move direct to TLP,
the incubator mentorship program would not be effective with technical
evangelists intervening in other peoples' works.

I'm not suggesting that any of these ASF folk should not be invited to
become contributors to Traffic; that's not what I'm saying at all.

Mentors are dictators; just not for life; not on technical merit; only on
moving a community from their prior structure into an ASF structure of
meritocracy and open development.  Mixing your Mentors with Technical
Directors just is not healthy for the project.

My 2c, from mentoring projects I was both well versed and unversed in.

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