Thank Eelco,

Agree we will be focusing on growing out the community over the next
few months, raising the profile of the project.

regards Malcolm Edgar

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 4:34 PM, Eelco Hillenius
<> wrote:
> I'm a bit late to this discussion, but nevertheless would like to
> throw in my opinion.
> As far as I know Click, the project has been stable for a while, and
> doesn't encompass a crazy amount of code, and it's ambitions as a
> framework are humble compared to some of the other projects mentioned
> in this thread. I wouldn't be too worried about this project having a
> relatively small PMC/ community if they spend their time mostly on
> maintaining their code base, with maybe a little tweaking here and
> there.
> That said, I agree with most here that Click should show that there is
> at least a little bit of movement in it's community, as that's one of
> the main ideas behind incubation, right?
> My 2c,
> Eelco
>> Comparing the original proposal to the graduation resolution it seems
>> that click entered incubation with 4 committers and proposes to leave
>> with 3.
>> IMO a PMC of three is not enough - one person disappears and you can't
>> get the three votes required to do anything.
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