Hi, Craig,

I'm personally not sure that commons would be the best fit for
Sanselan. Despite the name, I'd consider the commons of xmlgraphics
(despite the name, this is not only about XML) a better place.
Nevertheless, I'd vote in favour of Sanselan, if it comes to that.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 11:17 PM, Craig L Russell <craig.russ...@sun.com> wrote:

> 1. It appears that d...@commons is the general mailing list for all commons
> projects. Would a small project like sanselan get lost in the traffic?

That's a problem that every part of Commons has. And another reason,
why you could possibly prefer the above place: No doubt, commons-dev
is relatively high volume. I am not sure, whether the shared mailing
list is the best solution, but I wouldn't like to have that discussion
in this context. As already said, it applies to every part and isn't
specific to Sanselan.

> 2. Most commons components have a "functional" name instead of a "fun" name.
> Would Sanselan need to be renamed, e.g. Commons Image, or would it be ok to
> have the sub-project called Sanselan, or Commons Sanselan?

IMO, no. I am unaware of an existing example without the commons
prefix, but what gives.

> 3. Would any changes be required from the existing packaging of Sanselan?
> For example, packages are named org.apache.sanselan. Would these need to be
> renamed to org.apache.commons.sanselan (or less fun name as above)?

Definitely no. I am not even sure, whether there is *any* existing
part of commons with the org.apache.commons prefix. OTOH, I am quite
sure that there are lots of examples without.


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    -- (Bjarne Stroustrup,
       My guess: Nokia E50)

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