
i am not on the Commons PMC, i can only speak for myself.

> 1. It appears that d...@commons is the general mailing list for all commons
> projects. Would a small project like sanselan get lost in the traffic?

I don't think so - there are several other small components on
commons. It looks like sometimes a components gets suddenly very
active and sends more mails (like compress at the moment). Then -
maybe after the release - it wents more silents and gives room for the
other components.

> 2. Most commons components have a "functional" name instead of a "fun" name.
> Would Sanselan need to be renamed, e.g. Commons Image, or would it be ok to
> have the sub-project called Sanselan, or Commons Sanselan?

There are Components like Betwixt or Jelly - i think Sanselan would
fit perfectly. However, I read a discussion were new components are
prefered to get functional names.

> 3. Would any changes be required from the existing packaging of Sanselan?
> For example, packages are named org.apache.sanselan. Would these need to be
> renamed to org.apache.commons.sanselan (or less fun name as above)?

I don't know any other components which have not commons the package names.

However, this is from my youngster expierence. Senior comitters may
have other opinions. But I just wanted to say that I really like
Sanselan and it helped me lots of times. I strongly believe that it
would be a loss if you would let Sanselan go.


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