Hi all, the PIWI project would like to join the Apache Incubator and need a champion.
PIWI is a webframework with publishing features written in PHP5. It adapts concepts from the frameworks Apache Forrest (publishing features) and Apache Cocoon (webframework features). It supports many features, like web forms, validation, authentification, localization etc. and is ready to be used. Read more about the current state of PIWI here: http://code.google.com On the googlepage you can find oour brandnew documentation too: http://code.google.com/p/piwi/wiki/PIWIDocumentation?tm=6 Example of a PIWI site can be found here: http://piwiframework.de/ Basically, PIWI is a XML/XSLT transformation framework. It can provide multiple output formats. The use of different input formats is planned for near future. We would like to incubate this project within Apache out of the following reasons: - the PIWI project has been developed by long-term java users: we know and love apache - we think that Apache benefit of PHP projects - we think that the project could benefit of Apache, since we think that commiting to Apache Guidelines is one factor for good quality software - we are motivated to keep on the development on the code, even when there is less feedback for PIWI than a java project would get I asked a while before if there is interest in a PHP project and there was less feedback. We know that we may not attract as much users as a java project would do, but we are willing to fight :-) Hopefully some guy here is interested in what we do and will guide us through the first steps. Best regards, Christian Grobmeier --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org