The Pivot team would like to present the Pivot toolkit for incubation
at the Apache Incubator.

Please cast your votes;

[ ]  +1, bring Pivot into Incubator
[ ]  +0, I don't care either way,
[ ]  -1, Don't bring Pivot into Incubator, because....

The application is accompanied by the following description of the Pivot
project and its desire to join the ASF Incubator. This has previously
been posted for comments, and beside the lack of Mentors only minor
issues was brought up and hopefully addressed in the text below.

Niclas Hedhman, Champion.

- o - o - o -


Pivot ([WWW] is an open-source platform for
building rich internet applications in Java.


Pivot combines the enhanced productivity and usability features of a
modern RIA toolkit with the robustness of the Java platform. Pivot
applications are written using a combination of Java and XML and can
be run either as an applet or as a standalone, optionally offline,
desktop application.

Like other modern development platforms, Pivot provides a
comprehensive set of foundation classes that together comprise a
"framework". These classes form the building blocks upon which more
complex and sophisticated applications can be built.

Pivot was designed to be familiar to web developers who have
experience building AJAX applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
However, it provides a much richer set of standard widgets than HTML,
and allows developers to create sophisticated user experiences much
more quickly and easily. Pivot will also seem familiar to Swing
developers, as both Swing and Pivot are based on Java2D and employ a
model-view-controller (MVC) architecture to separate component data
from presentation. However, Pivot includes additional features that
make building modern GUI applications much easier, including
declarative UI, data binding, effects and transitions, and web
services integration.


The web has become the defacto standard method for application
delivery. However, functional requirements for web applications have
begun to scale beyond the capabilities of the browser. Even with the
addition of scripting support, dynamic element manipulation, and
asynchronous server communication, it is difficult to create a user
experience in HTML that is truly on par with that of a desktop

Rich internet application (RIA) development platforms are a means of
bridging the gap between the web and desktop experiences. Using
browser plugins, these platforms allow developers to build
applications that look and feel more like native desktop applications
but are deployable via the web, like traditional, HTML-based web
applications. RIAs also often incorporate visual effects intended to
enhance the overall user experience, such as animations and other
dynamic behavior.

Adobe Flex ( and Microsoft
Silverlight ( are arguably the
most high-profile of these platforms; others include OpenLaszlo
( and Curl ( Pivot
itself falls into this category.


Pivot was created for two primary reasons:

   1.  To provide a viable option for developers who want to build
       rich client applications in Java. Flex applications are written
       in ActionScript, an ECMAScript variant; Silverlight
       applications can be written in either C# or JavaScript;
       OpenLaszlo applications are written in JavaScript. Pivot allows
       developers to write rich internet applications in Java (or any
       other language that can run in a JVM).

   2.  Provide a freely-available, open source alternative for RIA
       developers. Flex, Silverlight, and Curl are all proprietary
       platforms. We believe that a large part of HTML's success was
       its due to its openness. While we certainly hope that
       developers will use Pivot to build revenue-generating products
       and applications, we believe that the platform itself should be
       free and driven by its technological merits, not by corporate

Comparison to Other Java-Based RIA Platforms

    While it is technically feasible to build an RIA in Java using the
    Swing toolkit (,
    Pivot offers a number of advantages that make it a more
    compelling, modern alternative:

      * Provides an XML markup language called WTKX for simplifying
        user interface construction. Flex, Silverlight, and OpenLaszlo
        all offer a similar feature; web developers are comfortable
        with the markup metaphor, and it can considerably reduce
        overall development time.

      * Components are not limited to an "atomic" preferred size; they
        are allowed to report a preferred size as constrained by
        either width or height - this facilitates such features as
        label wrapping, which Swing does not support.

      * Defines a consistent data model that is used throughout the
        entire framework; for example, JSON data returned from a REST
        service is serialized into the same data structures used by a
        table view component to present data. No additional
        translation is necessary, which can significantly improve
        performance. A common data model also reduces the learning
        curve for new developers.

      * Includes built-in support for REST-based data services, which
        Pivot calls "web queries". This provides parity with Flex,
        which comes with out-of-the-box support for RPC via the AMF
        protocol, and Silverlight, which supports both SOAP and REST-
        style services. Swing does not include any built-in facilities
        for server communication, making it less convenient to work

    Note, however, that Pivot is not limited to REST for server
    communication. Because it runs in a JRE, a Pivot application can
    take advantage of any client/server protocol that has a Java API;
    for example:

      o  SOAP-based services via Axis (

      o  Flex RPC using the BlazeDS AMF client

      o  Google Contacts via the Google-provided Java client

    The current source includes examples of the latter two.

    * Includes built-in data binding support, which allows data
      returned from web queries (as well as other types of data
      services) to easily be mapped to form contents.

    * Includes platform-level support for visual effects and
      transitions (i.e. animations).

    * Defines a single Application inteface that is used for deploying
      both desktop and web-based applications - multiple codebases are
      not required.

    * Takes advantage of newer Java language features such as
      generics, enums, for..each, and annotations.


    Pivot differentiates itself from the recently-released JavaFX
    primarily by allowing developers to build applications in Java,
    rather than the new JavaFX scripting language. Additionally,
    JavaFX's widget support is based on Swing, which suffers from the
    limitations outlined above.

    In a sense, Pivot represents what we think Sun should have done
    instead of JavaFX.

Google Widget Toolkit (GWT)

    While GWT allows developers to use the Java language to write web-
    based applications, the runtime enviroment for a GWT application
    is the browser itself, not a JVM. This has a number of drawbacks:

    * The compiled code executes as interpreted JavaScript, not

    * The only libraries available are those that have been ported to
      GWT by Google.

    * All presentation must be done via CSS and DOM manipulation
      rather than via a true 2D drawing API.

    Additionally, GWT does not support an XML markup language - all UI
    elements must be created programmatically.

    Pivot allows developers to efficiently construct RIAs that can
    truly take advantage of the Java platform.

Current Status

    Pivot began as an R&D effort at VMware. It was announced as an
    open-source project in June of 2008 under the Apache 2.0 license.
    Version 1.0 was released in October, 2008, and version 1.1 is
    targeted for release in early 2009. Pivot is currently hosted at with development at

Core Developers

    Thus far, Pivot has been developed primarily Greg Brown and Todd
    Volkert of VMware.


    The Pivot team is actively striving to build a development
    community around the Pivot platform, consisting of both users and
    contributing developers. Although we are pleased with the progress
    we have made to date, Pivot is a large undertaking that needs the
    support of a larger developer base if it is to succeed and thrive.

    We have written numerous articles and blog entries about Pivot to
    help generate interest in the developer community, and will
    continue to do so as new features are added and new versions
    released. We have established a Google Group for discussion of
    Pivot-related issues
    ( where feedback is
    solicited and highly encouraged.

    As developers (hopefully) begin to express an interest in using
    and helping to expand Pivot, their contributions will be evaluated
    and incorporated as appropriate. Several contributions from
    several external developers were actually accepted before we
    released version 1.0 - notably, both the Pivot Explorer tool and
    the pivot.core.util.Resources class used for localization were
    provided by outside developers who volunteered to join the project
    after reading our initial announcement.


    We use Ant to build and deploy Pivot, and we host our web-based
    components in Tomcat.

    The Apache developer community is representative of our target
    audience - developers who seek out and advocate high-quality,
    open-source software projects. We consider ourselves to be members
    of that group, and we are hoping to share our work with other
    like-minded developers.

Known Risks

Orphaned Products

    This project will not be orphaned. The developers have already
    invested a significant amount of time in the project, much of it
    in off-hours. Greg has been working on Pivot since August 2007 and
    Todd since January 2008. We pay to host the project site, pivot-, out of our own pockets. Additionally, at least one
    production application is currently being developed with Pivot. We
    want to see this project become successful, and we will continue
    to invest whatever time is necessary to help make it so.

Inexperience with Open Source

    Pivot has been conceived as an open-source project since day one.
    However, though we are longtime users of open source software and
    have some understanding of the process, we have no prior
    experience managing an open-source effort. We are hoping that the
    community experience within ASF can help bring our understanding
    to the next level.

Homogenous Developers

    While Pivot's primary developers work for VMware in Boston,
    Massachusetts, Pivot is not a VMware project. Most Pivot
    development takes place outside of work hours.

    Pivot is a highly-modularized framework that lends itself well to
    heterogenous development. We have already received code
    submissions from developers elsewhere in the U.S., Germany, Italy,
    Canada, and the U.K. We are hoping that, as the capabilities of
    the framework expand, it will lead to an increase in overall
    developer interest and an acceleration of the development process.

Reliance on Salaried Developers

    Pivot began as an off-hours side project. It was officially
    supported by VMware for a short time, but was dropped in June,
    2008 when the company decided to pursue an off-the-shelf UI
    solution instead of a homegrown one. It has continued as an off-
    hours project since then.

    The "lack" of an ability to rely on salaried developers for
    development may actually be more of a risk to the project. Most
    work must be done in off-hours, which may occasionally limit our
    ability to make progress.


    Additional information is available from the project site:

Initial Source

Source code for Pivot is currently hosted at Google Code:

Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan

    VMware released Pivot as an open-source project under the Apache
    2.0 license in June, 2008 but retains a copyright on the code.
    VMware has agreed to sign a software grant for the codebase; a
    signed copy of the agreement was faxed to the ASF on 12/22/2008.

External Dependencies

    Pivot is a Java-based toolkit and relies on a JRE for execution.
    Pivot's charting library currently relies on JFreeChart
    ( 1.0.9; however, charting is an optional package
    and JFreeChart is not integral to the implementation (i.e. it
    could be replaced with another charting package with no impact to
    the Pivot charting API).

Required Resources

    * Subversion repository
    * Issue tracking
    * Dev., user, commits, and private mailing lists
    * Wiki space
    * Web hosting (for content currently hosted at
    * SSL certificate (for code signing)

Initial Committers

    * Greg Brown - VMware
    * Todd Volkert - VMware
    * Eugene Ryzhikov - Florida Power and Light
    * Christopher Brind - unknown
    * Sandro Martini - Technomind


    No relevant affiliations.


    * Champion: Niclas Hedhman
    * Nominated Mentors: Niclas Hedhman, Martijn Dashorst
    * Sponsoring Entity: Incubator PMC

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