> I'm not sure of a TLP called php.apache.org, but having lots of projects
> written in PHP is a good thing :-)

Since Niclas Hedman pointed out that Apache doesn't want technology
umbrellas, I am stuck with the idea of scripting.apache.org which
hosts not only php, but also JRuby, Ruby and other scripting stuff.
One goal of the project could be to write scripts, which can be run in
a java enviroment. This may attract the java developers a bit more.

I would gladly bring PIWI to a state in which it can be run out from
the Java6-Scripting Engine.

>> However, please give me your feedback. If somebody is interested in
>> mentoring us with this project, let me know. If you think it makes no
>> sense to bring another PHP project to apache, let me know too. Your
>> feedback is highly appreciated.
> I think this would be cool.


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