Christian Grobmeier wrote:
Hi all,
we have developed a web framework in PHP, called PIWI:
Codebase supports very much features right now and only lacks user
documentation and has some open discussions left. Find a feature list
It heavily borrows ideas and concepts from Apache Cocoon and Apache
Forrest although it is implemented in PHP. Cause of this I think that
Apache would be a good host for this project.
I allready surfed a while through the incubator and found one PHP
project (log4php) which doesn't look very active. Does it make sense
to propose a new PHP project for apache? I really think that apache
would benefit of PHP projects. In my dreams there is a
TLP someday, hopefully hosting it's subprojects PIWI and maybe
I'm not sure of a TLP called, but having lots of projects
written in PHP is a good thing :-)
However, please give me your feedback. If somebody is interested in
mentoring us with this project, let me know. If you think it makes no
sense to bring another PHP project to apache, let me know too. Your
feedback is highly appreciated.
I think this would be cool.
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