Bertrand Delacretaz wrote: > Robert Burrell Donkin > > ...IIRC (and it's been a while) any member can alter the paperwork once > > there's been a board ACK. can anyone from boardland confirm or deny > > this?...
> maybe we should designate some official volunteers ("Incubator > sheperds") to help the PMC chair for such tasks? I have no problem with people reminding me if something falls off the plate. :-) In this case, though, I had actually taken care of updating committee-info.txt weeks previously with the two entries that had been missing. FWIW, the Board has expressed the desire that only the PMC Chair update that particular file. Ironically, this came up when I updated the JAMES roster because the then PMC Chair had been busy and asked if I would not mind doing it. The place where having help really helps is with svn, and we long ago established the policy that any Incubator PMC member who has sufficient karma (e.g., is a PMC chair in his or her own right) can do the necessaries. That's worked out quite well for a long time. --- Noel --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: