On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 2:20 AM, Daniel Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 02 December 2008 6:17:18 pm David Crossley wrote:
>> Darren Hague wrote:
>> > As there have been 8 positive votes with no negative votes, I would like
>> > to declare the vote PASSED.
>> >
>> > Votes were received from the following people:
>> > * Bertrand Delacretaz
>> > * Craig L Russell
>> >  Daniel Kulp
>> > * Davanum Srinivas
>> > * Ian Holsman
>> > * J Aaron Farr
>> > * Robert Burrell Donkin
>> > * Sylvain Wallez
>> >
>> > Those marked with * are binding votes - please correct me if I am wrong.
>> I have not checked.
>> You asked earlier how to find out who is on Incubator PMC
>> and hence binding votes:
>> http://people.apache.org/~jim/projects.html#incubator-pmc

cool  (i didn't realise this existed)

> Except Noel has been very bad lately about updating the committe-info that is
> used to generate this list.   For example, I SHOULD be listed (and thus my
> vote binding) since the board did Ack the request to add me, but I've not yet
> been added.   Kind of particularly bad now that I'm a mentor on two podlings,
> but according to that page, my mentor vote wouldn't even be binding.  :-(

noel's been a bit busy recently...

IIRC (and it's been a while) any member can alter the paperwork once
there's been a board ACK. can anyone from boardland confirm or deny

- robert

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