The results of this vote are +1's from Ken Coar, Robert Burrell Donkin
and Sam Ruby. No other votes were received. The vote passes.

Thanks for your support of the UIMA project.

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 5:42 PM, Eddie Epstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Please review and vote on approving the first release of Apache UIMACPP, the
> C++ version of the UIMA framework. The release artifacts and the annotated
> RAT reports can be found here:
> UIMACPP makes it easy to create UIMA-compliant component from C++ analytics.
> This is extremely important for multimodal analytics such as speech-to-text,
> machine translation, image analysis, and many others.
> As a C++ library, UIMACPP also enables creating UIMA compliant components in
> other programming languages which easily link to C++. Included in this
> release is support for Perl, Python and Tcl via a common SWIG wrapper.
> UIMACPP utilizes several other Apache projects: APR, Xerces-c and
> ActiveMQ-CPP. Another, and final dependency, is ICU4C from
> An official release of UIMACPP was delayed until a mechanism was in place to
> run C++ analytics as native processes; UIMA-AS has finally provided that
> mechanism. Previously, UIMACPP analytics had to be run under a JVM process
> through the JNI, which put many restrictions on operability.
> The UIMA project dev-list vote to release UIMACPP was 6 +1's, and no other
> votes; see the vote here:
> Many thanks for your support,
> Eddie Epstein

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