On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 6:16 AM, Robert Burrell Donkin
>> Mail lists:
>> Should people just partipipate on the podling's
>> dev mail list in their own languages? Then expect
>> that someone summarises the outcomes and decisions
>> into English/Japanese. Or would it be better to have
>> separate dev language lists, with the same
>> summarising outcome. The former would enable replies
>> to be threaded with the other language.
> i think one dev list is the right way to approach this problem. it's
> important for the development community to have a single forum for
> discussion and decision making.

I agree that we should have one official dev list in english.

> i'm not so sure about the user lists (perhaps someone from tuscany
> could jump in and tell us about their chinese users forum)

In Tuscany, our experience with having a non-English mailing list has
been very interesting, the forum has been created just a month or two
ago and the number of subscribers and the activity on it has been
growing very rapidly, this makes me think that there is indeed a
language barrier that would prevent some individuals to participate in
the english discussion lists, although these members are very
technically skilled and willing to consume and become a contributor of
your project.

In order to allow others to be aware of what's going on in this forum,
we have Raymond, our Chinese speaking community member, watching the
forum, and communicating issues back to our official English list. We
also found it very useful to use Google infrastructure to perform
automatic-translation of the forum [1], this allows anyone to lurk
around and have a feeling of what's being discussed.


> - robert
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Luciano Resende
Apache Tuscany, Apache PhotArk

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