Niclas Hedhman wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 2:45 AM, William A. Rowe, Jr.
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How about a brand new idea?
>> Lay down a Milestone-style chart of what it takes to operate as an ASF
>> project.  Demonstrate community of meritocracy, add committers or ppmc
>> members based on contributions, complete IP review, and then... and only
>> then... they hit the release milestone.  One or two releases later, they
>> are ejected from the Incubator - either to the target PMC or as a TLP.
>> So releases would reflect the project is probably ready to graduate, the
>> only difference would be that the incubator PMC wants to see this done
>> right before calling the podling baked.
> Works for me, although you say nothing about whether that release is
> an ASF release or not. IMHO, it is an Incubator PMC release, just like
> any other PMC operated umbrella project. ;-)

Right - I pointed out earlier that it's a binary condition at the ASF, either
released or not released.  I'm not even picky if they would rather release an
alpha or beta (not a bad idea if they followed your
naming convention) or wanted to call it a GA/Gold release.  That wasn't my
point, it was simply that ratifying their release would be the "last checkmark"
on the steps to graduation.

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