On 2-Oct-08, at 9:19 PM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:
Better a bad decision than no decision, otherwise, soon, nobody will
vote anymore...
Not really. Consider that there appears to be a clear consensus
that if
Maven were to fix the download situation, requiring that users
approve the
user of Incubator artifacts, rather than transparently use them,
many of
the -1 would be +1.
That's unlikely to happen. We're not going to be implementing policy
enforcement for you.
Our opinion is forming in the Maven PMC that we will not enforce third
party policy but will adhere to the legal distribution rights set
forth by the license. All PMC members who have voiced an opinion thus
far have this opinion, but we are scheduling a call for next week and
we will have a decision and stated policy shortly. We will keep you
posted when we reach a decision.
It appears that the Maven community is finally getting a clue, and
we can
hope for a resolution, perhaps 6 months out or less if they don't
--- Noel
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Jason van Zyl
Founder, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com
A man enjoys his work when he understands the whole and when he
is responsible for the quality of the whole
-- Christopher Alexander, A Pattern Language
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