William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> Jukka Zitting wrote:
> > 
> > Are incubating releases official releases of the ASF? 
> Yes.  Otherwise they must be removed from ASF servers.
> There's no middle ground.
> > How strong disclaimers are needed and what level of explicit
> > acknowledgement from users is required? 
> how much more explicit do you want?  Well, we've added that a disclaimer
> in the package (not a click-through requirement) that this is an incubating
> artifact, and each has a naming convention of {podling}-incubating.

Good. Recently i also added a disclaimer to the top-level
of our mirror system www.apache.org/dist/incubator/
and proposed [1] that each podling do the same, i.e. follow
the ASF release guidelines. This assists the people who
reach the mirrors by other means. It tries to explain and
then redirect them to each podling's download page where
they should have other disclaimers and encouragement to
assist the project to graduate.

[1] header notices for mirrors a.o/dist/incubator

Trying to re-direct this aspect of the discussion to
that thread.

> I liked the way you put the question; it's not up to incubator project to
> set the rules for Maven.  If the maven PMC decides that these incubator
> releases don't belong in the primary repository, that's their call.  But
> this vote makes clear that the incubator has nothing to say about an
> artifact's distribution once the release vote is finalized.

Other than this important statement from
"Releases for podling MUST be distributed through


> Please remember the earliest examples, where IBM distributed the very
> earliest Geronimo incubating releases through other channels, as was
> their right do so.  Let's call this decision on "Allow extra release
> distribution channels" approved 15:12, let people who want to use
> the Maven channel take this thread up with Maven folks, and let this
> thread die at last.
> Bill

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