
On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 8:34 AM, Jukka Zitting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please vote on accepting or rejecting this policy change!

The vote ends with the following 15 +1, 12 -1, and one 0 binding votes.

    +1 Bertrand Delacretaz
    +1 Brett Porter
    +1 Bruce Snyder
    +1 Davanum Srinivas
    +1 Doug Cutting
    +1 Guillaume Nodet
    +1 James Strachan
    +1 Jason van Zyl
    +1 Jeffrey Genender
    +1 Jukka Zitting
    +1 Martin Dashorst
    +1 Niall Pemberton
    +1 Roland Weber
    +1 Upayavira
    +1 William Rowe

     0 Thomas Fischer

    -1 Ant Elder
    -1 Craig Russell
    -1 Emmanuel Lecharny
    -1 Henning Schmiedehausen
    -1 Jim Jagielski
    -1 Justin Erenkrantz
    -1 Kevan Miller
    -1 Matt Hogstrom
    -1 Matthieu Riou
    -1 Noel J. Bergman
    -1 Paul Querna
    -1 Will Glass-Husain

The following eight +1 and one -1 non-binding votes were also cast:

    +1 Assaf Arkin
    +1 Eelco Hillenius
    +1 Dan Diephouse
    +1 Daniel Kulp
    +1 Felix Meschberger
    +1 Les Hazlewood
    +1 Niklas Gustavsson
    +1 Stephen Duncan Jr

    -1 Sebastian Bazley

This is a slight majority (of binding votes) for accepting the
proposed change, but given the clear lack of consensus and the
concerns voiced about that, I unfortunately need to conclude that this
issue should be tabled until better consensus is reached.

The main impression I got from the related discussion is that the main
concern is not that much the security or transparency of the Maven
repository but rather the status of incubating releases in general.

Are incubating releases official releases of the ASF? Does the ASF
"endorse" these releases, and what does that endorsement mean? How
strong disclaimers are needed and what level of explicit
acknowledgement from users is required? Until we have a clearer policy
on what we actually require of incubating releases and their
distribution, it seems premature to debate whether the Maven
repository meets those requirements.

So, before reopening this release distribution issue, I would expect
us to clarify the policy on incubating releases.


Jukka Zitting

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