Without too much thought into the rest of it just now, the first thing I thought was that this would have something to do with WebKit, which it doesn't and would probably be very confusing?
- Brett 2008/8/27 Craig L Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > This is a proposal to incubate > http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/Web20KitProposal > > We're looking for a couple more mentors. > > Web20Kit > > Abstract > Web20Kit is a web 2.0 toolkit to help developers evaluate the suitability, > functionality and performance of various web technologies by implementing a > reasonably complex application in several different technologies. > > Proposal > Web20Kit will develop an example application to understand the benefits, > performance, and scalability of popular web technologies. Multiple > implementations of the application are planned - each providing the same > functionality but staying true to the philosophy of its base > language/framework. > > Background > Most web 2.0 sites today use open source languages and frameworks such as > PHP, Ruby on Rails, and Java EE to develop their applications. Deployments > of these applications also use popular open source servers such as Apache > httpd, Tomcat, MySQL, Memcache, and Glassfish. Many other > servers/technologies such as lighttpd, mogileFS, mongrels, JRuby are also > gaining popularity. > > With the myriad technologies available, it is not easy to understand how > they differ, especially in terms of performance and scalability. With varied > levels of documentation available for some open source applications, it is > also quite difficult for a web 2.0 startup to understand the correct usage > of these technologies so that they don't become a bottleneck as their site > grows. > > Rationale > Web2.0kit is a toolkit that will attempt to address the above issues. > > What it does > > Web20Kit defines an example web 2.0 application (the initial implementation > uses an events site somewhat like yahoo.com/upcoming) and provides three > implementations: PHP, Java EE, and Ruby on Rails. The toolkit will also > define ways to drive load against the application in order to measure > performance. > > As developers join the project, they can implement the same application > using their favorite web frameworks and compare their implementations to > others. > > What you can learn from it > > a) Understand how to use various web 2.0 technologies such as AJAX, > memcached, mogileFS etc. in the creation of your own application. Use the > code in the application to understand the subtle complexities involved and > how to get around issues with these technologies. > > b) Evaluate the differences in the implementations: PHP, Ruby on Rails, Java > EE, and other contributed implementations to understand which might best > work for your situation. > > c) Within each language implementation, evaluate different infrastructure > technologies by changing the servers used (e.g: apache vs lighttpd, MySQL vs > PostgreSQL, Ruby vs Jruby etc.) > > d) Drive load against the application to evaluate the performance and > scalability of the chosen platform. > > e) Experiment with different algorithms (e.g. memcache locking, a different > DB access API) by replacing portions of code in the application. > > A robust, community-developed standard implementations of a web 2.0 > application using different technologies will enable developers to compare > and contrast these technologies in a manner that does not exist today. By > providing excellent sample implementations of a concrete application that is > available to everyone, we will enable faster and easier application > development for users. Although we list three implementations in this > proposal, we encourage others to come up with many more using other language > stacks and/or frameworks e.g. Spring framework, Python etc. > > Current Status > This is a new project with some sample not-ready-for-prime-time code. > > Meritocracy > The initial developers are very familiar with meritocratic open source > development, both at Apache and elsewhere. Apache was chosen specifically > because the initial developers want to encourage this style of development > for the project. > > Community > Web20Kit seeks to create developer and user communities during incubation. > > Core Developers > The initial core developers are Sun Microsystems, Inc. employees, and > faculty and students at UC Berkeley. We hope to expand this very quickly. > > Alignment > The developers of the Web20Kit want to work with the Apache Software > Foundation specifically because Apache has proven to provide a strong > foundation and set of practices for community-based development. > > Known RisksOrphaned products > This project has a lot of enthusiasm among the core developers, has ongoing > development, and is not orphaned. > > Inexperience with Open Source > The initial developers are well-versed in open source methodologies and > practices. > > Homogenous Developers > The initial group of developers is from two organizations. We would like to > expand this and that is a primary reason for bringing this project to > Apache. > > Reliance on Salaried Developers > Although part of the initial development team are students, the core > developers are employed by Sun Microsystems. > > Relationships with Other Apache Products > None in particular, except that Apache HTTPD is the most common place to run > PHP, and which the initial PHP implementation uses. > > A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand > We believe in the processes, systems, and framework Apache has put in place. > The brand is nice, but is not why we wish to come to Apache. > > DocumentationInitial Source > Sun Microsystems Inc. intends to donate code for their PHP implementation of > the sample events application as well as code to drive load against the > application. UC Berkeley intends to donate code for the Ruby on Rails > implementation. > > This code is still a work in progress and will be provided primarily as a > starting place for a much more robust, community- developed implementation. > > External DependenciesRequired Resources > Developer mailing lists > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > A subversion repository > > A JIRA issue tracker > > Initial Committers > • > Akara Sucharitakul < > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Shanti Subramanyam < > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Binu John < > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kim Lichong < > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> William Sobel < > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Arthur Klepchukov < > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Craig Russell < > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > SponsorsChampion > • > Craig Russell < > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Nominated Mentors > • > Craig Russell < > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Sponsoring Entity > The Apache Incubator. > > Craig L Russell > Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System http://java.sun.com/products/jdo > 408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp! > > > -- Brett Porter Blog: http://blogs.exist.com/bporter/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]