Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

> Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> > Henri Yandell wrote:
>>> I very much like the idea of the PPMC -> Incubator PMC relationship
>>> modeling the board whenever possible.
>> Keeping in mind that the PPMC has no actual standing, so the vote still
>> requires the standard 3 +1 and more +1 than -1 from PMC members.  Which
>> why we always encourage podlings to have at least 3 Mentors.

> I disagree.  I'm fine with a PPMC voting to add a new committer as
> long as the mentor(s) has approved it.

We may be arguing solely over a misunderstanding in communication.

The single fundamental governing policy accross all ASF projects is that the
PMC collectively makes all decisions.  The Incubator-specific construct
known as the PPMC has no standing.  We can rename the thing if the acronym
is too hard for people to keep straight, but PPMC != PMC.  Yes we agree that
the the PPMC is encouraged to participate, but the only binding votes on the
PPMC are those cast by PMC members.

> if at least one member of the Incubator PMC is executing direct oversight
> and the rest of the Incubator PMC has the opportunity to execute
> then I'm satisfied.  Enforcing 3 mentors is just damn silly, IMO.

I am not talking about enforcing 3 mentors.  I simply said that HAVING them
makes it easier to get the REQUIRED 3 votes from PMC members.  Nothing more,
nothing less.

        --- Noel

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