On Jun 3, 2008, at 4:29 PM, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:


I'd like to make the suggestion that we alter this to:
Vote on the podling's private (PPMC) list, with notice posted to the
Incubator private list. The notice is a separate email forwarding the
vote email with a cover statement that this vote is underway on the
podling's private list. Many consider this approach to be best
practice. After completing the vote on the PPMC list, the proposer
*sends a note to* the Incubator PMC private list, summarizing the
discussion and vote, with a reference to the archived discussion and
vote threads by the PPMC.  *Any member of the Incubator PMC can ACK
the receipt of the vote.  This starts a 72-hour window for lazy
consensus.  After 72 hours and no requests by any Incubator PMC member
for a full vote by the Incubator PMC, the committer request is
approved by the Incubator PMC and the PPMC can start the committer
invitation process.*

This intentionally follows the procedure for adding a PMC member wrt
full ASF board.  I like the concept of expanding this for committers
as well for Incubation, so there.  I don't like needless 'dual
voting', but I do want the IPMC to have the chance to execute


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