On May 30, 2008, at 9:59 PM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:

On May 30, 2008, at 8:53 AM, Brian E. Fox wrote:

IMO, things going into the central repository must have their entire
transitive hull available in the central repository. Therefore, we must
draw one of two conclusions:

1.      Incubator releases go into Central

2.      Regular releases cannot use Incubator artifacts

The Geronimo project had this problem when we were releasing 2.0 which was certified to fully support JEE 5.0. To accomplish this we used artifacts from both Yoko and CXF to accomplish this. If we were to wait for the incubator projects to graduate we would not have been able to succeed in getting our project moved forward. What we did to provide stability and avoid the problem with the SNAPSHOTs we created a repository project in our build tree. http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/server/tags/2.0.0/repository/

In this tree we placed the time dependent artifacts so someone that wanted to rebuild a release later on could by simply checking out the tag. When the build was done the repository project was built and the artifacts were then placed into the developers local repository. This allowed us to continue moving forward and break a hard dependence on SNAPSHOTs and transitive releases as well as provide a unified build experience.

I think its up to each project to decide how to approach this problem and there are ways of doing this w/o putting the incubator Jars into the central repo.

That's not entirely accurate. We released Geronimo with incubator artifacts from the incubator repo, not from our svn "repository". The svn repo contains artifacts which required patches (e.g. released artifacts were not available).

We documented the status of the incubator artifacts with a DISCLAIMER for (CXF, Yoko, and ActiveMQ (ActiveIO)).


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