On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 7:20 PM, Daniel Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I was adding cxf to the site-publish/.htaccess file and was going to go
>  ahead and add the others that have graduated, but I want to double check
>  something first.
>  Several of the graduated projects have created their own .htaccess in
>  their project directory wrather that use the top level .htaccess.
>  Example: servicemix/.htaccess
>  The question is: is it better to leave it like that or move them to the
>  top level .htaccess and completely remove the project directory?  I
>  don't really care which, but consistency is probably good and which ever
>  way we go, it should be documented in the post graduation checklist
>  stuff.

AIUI using the top level .htaccess is better for performance so that's
what i recommend (but hopefully someone will jump in and correct me if
i'm wrong)

- robert

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