On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 12:53 PM, Tony Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Justin
>  Is the prefereed method of handling these, moving them to 
> archive.a.o/incubator.a.o/($podling)/ ?? Or is there an alternate location?

If the projects have indeed graduated, and they already have
$podling.apache.org up, and no one responds to clean them up within,
say, a week, I'd toss 'em entirely and enforce a redirect from the old
incubator.apache.org URL to the new <tlp>.apache.org site.

If you feel charitable and want to save the artifacts on the backup
box somewhere (since they're already copied over) for a little while
longer, feel free...but, IMO, we don't need to persist these sites.
-- justin

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