I've updated the text of the resolution (see below) based on the comments 
and discussion.  Thanks to everyone for the help making it clearer.

Are there ANY other questions or concerns about the resolution, about the 
CXF project in general, etc.... that anyone would like 
resolved/discussed/answered before calling the vote?



 Establish the Apache CXF project

     WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
     interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
     Foundation's purpose to establish a Project, to be known as
     "Apache CXF Project", related to a framework for creating,
     deploying, and consuming services based on SOA design 
     principles for distribution at no charge to the public.

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
     Committee (PMC) is hereby established pursuant to Bylaws
     of the Foundation; and be it further

     RESOLVED, that the Apache CXF PMC be and hereby is
     charged with the creation and maintenance of "Apache CXF";
     and be it further

     RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache CXF" be and
     hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at
     the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
     Apache CXF PMC, and to have primary responsibility for
     management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
     of the Apache CXF PMC; and be it further

     RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
     hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
     Apache CXF PMC:

      * Ulhas Bhole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * Sean O'Callaghan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * Dan Diephouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * Freeman Yue Fang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * Jarek Gawor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * Jeff Genender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * Eoghan Glynn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * Jim Jagielski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * Willem Ning Jiang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * Eric Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * Peter Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * Daniel Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * Bozhong Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * Jervis Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * Jim Ma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * James Maode Mao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * Benson Margulies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * Guillaume Nodet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      * Ajay Paibir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

     be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache CXF, to serve
     in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
     Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
     resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until
     a successor is appointed; and be it further

     RESOLVED, that the Apache CXF Project be and hereby
     is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
     Incubator CXF podling; and be it further

     RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
     Incubator CXF podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
     PMC are hereafter discharged.


J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer, IONA

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