El dom, 17-02-2008 a las 19:12 +0100, Leo Simons escribió:
> On Feb 17, 2008, at 4:51 PM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> > Most of the use cases mentioned so far for git, including some  
> > where people are using it on top of SVN with ASF projects, run  
> > counter to ASF principles.
> Let me fix that:
>    Use case: work on apache project while on plane
>    -----------------------------------------------
>    * export list of jiras of your favorite ASF project into spreadsheet
>    * sync project repo to your laptop
>    * get on a plane for 14 hours
>    * slave away at the bug list, fixing a bunch
>      * create one patch per bug, with a good commit message, referring
>        to the bug report, and commit locally
>    * get off the plane
>    * get online
>    * sync project repo to your laptop
>      * resolve any conflicts
>    * for each bug report
>      * submit and commit the fix
>      * close the bug report
> This is easy to do with git. It's a small nightmare with SVN,  
> especially if your project is a million lines of code.

A big +1 on this use case. Have you tried this one?

Also: you keep a long term branch for doing some refactoring, and you
fix small bugs both in HEAD and in a release branch, merging and
backporting/forwardporting as you go. Again, something like git makes
the work simpler and keeps the disk requirements under control.

> (you could substitute "while on plane" with "even if network craps  
> out at hackathon" or with "at a customer site with big firewall")
> > I am saying that (a) the ASF has a uniform source control  
> > infrastructure, which is currently based on SVN servers, and (b)  
> > our practices mean that development is done in public, not done in  
> > private and submitted en masse as a fait accompli.  These  
> > statements are independent of the SCM technology used by the ASF.
> Exactly!

Agreed too.

> cheers,
> - Leo
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