On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 11:25 AM, Ross Gardler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I understand that GiT can be used locally as a layer on top of SVN. I
>  believe this gives you most of the perceived benefits of GiT locally
>  without the need for a project itself to switch to GiT.
>  Now, I've never tried this and don't know anyone who has, but thought
>  I'd flag it in case it is relevant.

My 2p:

I've been doing this recently with qpid, partly because I'm wrangling
a large merge at the moment (which it does better than straight svn)
and partly because it suits my typical workflow a bit better: cheap
local branching means I can hack on something, get interrupted, create
another branch to work on that interruption in isolation, commit that
to HEAD, rebase the branch from the first thing and pick up where I
left off without having to take intermediate patches, revert that out,
reapply etc which is what I did before.

The initial import is ridiculouisly slow if you take all the history
because the asf has one repo for all the projects and it looks at each
revision, but you can tell it to only pull history from a certain

- Aidan
aim/y!:aidans42 g:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Almost everything is imitation... The most original writers borrowed
from one another." - Voltaire

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