I am interested in mentoring if needed.
On Jan 31, 2008, at 7:40 AM, Sam Ruby wrote:
The original source for this proposal can be found at
and a current snapshot is attached below. Once we have established
that there is interest, my plan is to move this content over to
wiki.apache.org/incubator as a [PROPOSAL].
I've been watching CouchDB since September, and believe that it
would fit well in the ASF. My preference is that it exits as a top
level project, mainly due to my experience with umbrella PMCs, but
I would otherwise not be adverse to it joining the DB project. We
certainly do not need to decide this now.
- Sam Ruby
Project Name: CouchDB
The goal is to create either an Apache top level project, or a db
subproject, around the existing CouchDB open source project.
Key Features:
* a REST API using JSON for data transport,
* a JavaScript view engine based on Mozilla Spidermonkey,
* a GNU Autotools build system supporting most POSIX systems
* a built-in administration interface
* experimental fulltext search with Lucene
The goals of the project are aligned with the goals of the ASF,
namely there is interest in (continuing to) foster a collaborative,
consensus based development process, using an open and pragmatic
software license, and a desire to create high quality software that
leads the way in its field.
===Initial goals===
* Features for next release
** Incremental reduce support, for full map/reduce support.
** Document validation model (validate live and replicated changes)
** Documentation, Documentation, Documentation
** Fulltext Search
* Priority feature work
** Live compaction
** Extensible security model
** LDAP authentication
** More query capabilities exposed to HTTP, e.g. multi-key view
* Future feature work
** Server storage partioning
** Server failover clustering
* Requested Features
** hierarchical structure in documents
==Current Status==
The project has recently transformed from being primarily a single
person led (and funded) project to one with a number of diverse
participants. Development has been coordinated primarily through a
mailing list, with some IRC.
The community consists of a set of independent developers, one of
which recently joined IBM
===Initial Developers===
* William Beh
* Damien Katz
* Jan Lehnardt
* Christopher Lenz
* Dirk Schalge
* Noah Slater
A database server with a strong focus on HTTP and REST principles.
===Known Risks===
* Dependency on Erlang
** Including some modifications to the HTTP server stack. The plan
is to convert over to [http://code.google.com/p/mochiweb/ MochiWeb]
(MIT licenced)
* Dependency on Mozilla SpiderMonkey
** Including small modifications, to be sent back to Mozilla
===Orphaned Products===
* This is a new effort, and is far from being orphaned.
===Inexperience with Open Source===
All participants are active users and contributors to open source.
One of them (Christopher Lenz) has experience as committer on other
Apache projects.
===Homogenous Developers===
The exiting committers are spread over a number of countries and
===Reliance on Salaried Developers===
Only one developer is being paid to work on CouchDB. Read [http://
damienkatz.net/2008/01/faq_about_couch.html his views] on the
relationship he has with his employer.
===Relationships with Other Apache Products===
Experimental usage of Lucene
===An excessive fascination with the Apache brand===
This product started out independent of Apache and under a GPL
license. After discussions with a number of people within IBM,
Damien Katz agreed to pursue both incubation at the ASF, and
employment at IBM
===Initial Source===
Resides on [http://code.google.com/p/couchdb/ Google Code]. The
code has been recently relicensed from GPL to the Apache License,
Version 2.0, in anticipation of this submission.
===Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan===
The bulk of the core code was written by Damien Katz. Major
contributions include: a GNU Autotools build system supporting most
POSIX systems contributed by Noah Slater, a built-in
administration interface provided by Christopher Lenz, and
experimental fulltext search with Lucene by Jan Lehnardt. ICLAs
either have been, or are in the process of being, submitted for all
code involved in this submission.
ICLA's are already on file for:
* Jan Lehnardt
* Christopher Lenz
ICLA's in progress:
* William Beh
* Damien Katz
* Dirk Schalge
* Noah Slater
There are a few (as in single digit) number of files that we are
continuing to sort through the licenses. These include Public
Domain, X Consortium, and MITish licenses.
===External Dependencies===
* [http://www.icu-project.org/ ICU] (MIT)
* [http://www.erlang.org/ Erlang] (Erlang Public License)
* [http://www.mozilla.org/js/spidermonkey/ SpiderMonkey] (Mozilla
Public License)
Not applicable
===Required Resources===
* Mailing lists:
** couchdb-pmc for private PMC discussions (with moderated
** couchdb-dev
** couchdb-commits
** couchdb-user
* Subversion Directory:
** https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/couchdb
* Issue Tracking:
** JIRA couchdb
===Initial Committers===
* William Beh
* Damien Katz
* Jan Lehnardt
* Christopher Lenz
* Dirk Schalge
* Noah Slater
===Nominated Mentors===
Request input from the Apache community
===Sponsoring Entity===
The Apache Incubator
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