How does the license of erlang (Erlang Public License, which is a Mozilla PL
derivative)  affect this project?


On 1/31/08, Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The original source for this proposal can be found at
> http://www.couchdbwiki.com/index.php?title=Apache_Incubator_Proposal
> and a current snapshot is attached below.  Once we have established that
> there is interest, my plan is to move this content over to
> wiki.apache.org/incubator as a [PROPOSAL].
> I've been watching CouchDB since September, and believe that it would
> fit well in the ASF.  My preference is that it exits as a top level
> project, mainly due to my experience with umbrella PMCs, but I would
> otherwise not be adverse to it joining the DB project.  We certainly do
> not need to decide this now.
> - Sam Ruby
> Project Name: CouchDB
> -----------------------------
> ==Proposal==
> The goal is to create either an Apache top level project, or a db
> subproject, around the existing CouchDB open source project.
> Key Features:
> * a REST API using JSON for data transport,
> * a JavaScript view engine based on Mozilla Spidermonkey,
> * a GNU Autotools build system supporting most POSIX systems
> * a built-in administration interface
> * experimental fulltext search with Lucene
> ===Rationale===
> The goals of the project are aligned with the goals of the ASF, namely
> there is interest in (continuing to) foster a collaborative, consensus
> based development process, using an open and pragmatic software license,
> and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its
> field.
> ===Initial goals===
> * Features for next release
> **  Incremental reduce support, for full map/reduce support.
> ** Document validation model (validate live and replicated changes)
> ** Documentation, Documentation, Documentation
> ** Fulltext Search
> * Priority feature work
> ** Live compaction
> ** Extensible security model
> ** LDAP authentication
> ** More query capabilities exposed to HTTP, e.g. multi-key view lookups
> * Future feature work
> ** Server storage partioning
> ** Server failover clustering
> * Requested Features
> ** hierarchical structure in documents
> ==Current Status==
> ===Meritocracy===
> The project has recently transformed from being primarily a single
> person led (and funded) project to one with a number of diverse
> participants.  Development has been coordinated primarily through a
> mailing list, with some IRC.
> ===Community===
> The community consists of a set of independent developers, one of which
> recently joined IBM
> ===Initial Developers===
> * William Beh
> * Damien Katz
> * Jan Lehnardt
> * Christopher Lenz
> * Dirk Schalge
> * Noah Slater
> ===Alignment===
> A database server with a strong focus on HTTP and REST principles.
> ===Known Risks===
> * Dependency on Erlang
> ** Including some modifications to the HTTP server stack.  The plan is
> to convert over to [http://code.google.com/p/mochiweb/ MochiWeb] (MIT
> licenced)
> * Dependency on Mozilla SpiderMonkey
> ** Including small modifications, to be sent back to Mozilla
> ===Orphaned Products===
> * This is a new effort, and is far from being orphaned.
> ===Inexperience with Open Source===
> All participants are active users and contributors to open source. One
> of them (Christopher Lenz) has experience as committer on other Apache
> projects.
> ===Homogenous Developers===
> The exiting committers are spread over a number of countries and
> employers.
> ===Reliance on Salaried Developers===
> Only one developer is being paid to work on CouchDB.  Read
> [http://damienkatz.net/2008/01/faq_about_couch.html his views] on the
> relationship he has with his employer.
> ===Relationships with Other Apache Products===
> Experimental usage of Lucene
> ===An excessive fascination with the Apache brand===
> This product started out independent of Apache and under a GPL license.
>   After discussions with a number of people within IBM, Damien Katz
> agreed to pursue both incubation at the ASF, and employment at IBM
> ==Documentation==
> ===Initial Source===
> Resides on [http://code.google.com/p/couchdb/ Google Code].  The code
> has been recently relicensed from GPL to the Apache License, Version
> 2.0, in anticipation of this submission.
> ===Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan===
> The bulk of the core code was written by Damien Katz.  Major
> contributions include: a GNU Autotools build system supporting most
> POSIX systems contributed by Noah Slater,  a built-in administration
> interface provided by Christopher Lenz, and experimental fulltext search
> with Lucene by Jan Lehnardt.  ICLAs either have been, or are in the
> process of being, submitted for all code involved in this submission.
> ICLA's are already on file for:
> * Jan Lehnardt
> * Christopher Lenz
> ICLA's in progress:
> * William Beh
> * Damien Katz
> * Dirk Schalge
> * Noah Slater
> There are a few (as in single digit) number of files that we are
> continuing to sort through the licenses.  These include Public Domain, X
> Consortium, and MITish licenses.
> ===External Dependencies===
> * [http://www.icu-project.org/ ICU] (MIT)
> * [http://www.erlang.org/ Erlang] (Erlang Public License)
> * [http://www.mozilla.org/js/spidermonkey/ SpiderMonkey] (Mozilla Public
> License)
> ===Cryptography===
> Not applicable
> ===Required Resources===
> * Mailing lists:
> ** couchdb-pmc for private PMC discussions (with moderated subscriptions)
> ** couchdb-dev
> ** couchdb-commits
> ** couchdb-user
> * Subversion Directory:
> ** https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/couchdb
> * Issue Tracking:
> ** JIRA couchdb
> ===Initial Committers===
> * William Beh
> * Damien Katz
> * Jan Lehnardt
> * Christopher Lenz
> * Dirk Schalge
> * Noah Slater
> ==Sponsors==
> ===Champion===
> ===Nominated Mentors===
> Request input from the Apache community
> ===Sponsoring Entity===
> The Apache Incubator
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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