I have the port to Plexus in a tree and I'm sure alag would be fine
with it coming along here.
On 30 Oct 07, at 8:43 AM 30 Oct 07, J Aaron Farr wrote:
"Petar Tahchiev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Hi guys,
today I was looking for a Jabber server implemented entirely in Java,
and the only results
that I got was this:
OpenIM was originally developed using Apache Avalon containers and now
uses Plexus (which is entering incubation). The developer, alag, was
a regular on the mailing lists at the time. I'm not sure how active
the project is today (looks like it's moved to Codehaus). It's under
the MIT license.
And while I haven't used this particular feature of ActiveMQ, it does
advertise XMPP support:
J Aaron Farr jadetower.com [US] +1 724-964-4515
馮傑仁 cubiclemuses.com [HK] +852 8123-7905
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