I'm working on the graduation guide, and noticed quite some text
regarding community building. I think this contains enough material
and is important enough to warrant a separate guide.

Basically I want the next text [1] migrated from the graduation guide
to the new community guide.

What do you think?



Community Building

Before a podling graduates, it must create a diverse and
self-sustaining community. Community building is tough: it takes time,
effort and more than a little magic. There is no secret recipe, just
hard work. In order to overcome this obstacle, committers may need to
devote more time to community building and less to development.

The community mailing list is open to all Apache committers. This is
the right list for questions about community and on community
building. Subscriptions should be from an Apache email address.

Raising The Profile

Sometimes, a podling is just not well-enough known. There are simply
not enough users to allow new developers to be recruited. Overcoming
this means finding ways to raise the profile of the podling. Some

Improve the website
Improve the information provided within each release and release more often
Committers who blog should join PlanetApache
Use grassroots media
Encourage downstream distributions to include a packaged version
Submit talks to conferences
Write articles
Recruiting New Developers

If the podling has lots of users but very few new developers then this
means that more work is required to encourage users to become
developers. A common cause of this is that committers are too quick to
create code to solve user problems. It's good to respond quickly to
requests by users. However, once a project gains momentum, it may be
more productive for the long term health of a project to encourage
users to become more involved at the expense of user satisfaction.

Try to encourage expert users to answer questions. This may mean
intentionally allowing a time gap before answering user questions.
Encourage users to post by taking the time to deal politely and
positively with misunderstandings and by replying to threads which
have been answered well by a user to confirm that they are right.
Avoid engaging in flame wars on user lists. Ignore trolls.

Try to encourage users to become developers. When they give a good
answer that isn't covered in the documentation, ask them to submit a
patch. When users suggest a good design or extension, ask for
volunteers to help implement rather than just coding it up.

Helping Developers Become Committers

If a podling has no trouble attracting developers but trouble
retaining them long enough for them to become committers then this
highlights an issue with the recruitment process. To become an Apache
committer, a developer needs to hang around long enough to accumulate
a track record of contributions. This often requires encouragement and
help from existing committers.

Promptly reviewing patches is important. The way that patches are
applied is also important. Provide credit in the commit message and
when closing the JIRA. It's also good to encourage developers by
suggesting new related work they may like to volunteer for.

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