I'm confused. The Process Description [1] seems to be clear:

The Mentor is automatically made a member of the Incubator PMC, and reports to both the PMC and the Sponsor about your overall health and suitability for eventual inclusion within the Apache Community (or recommendation to terminate).

If there should be a separate vote, there's no mention of it anywhere. Is this just old information in need of updating? Or is it the intent that after receiving a Sponsor's request to the Incubator to accept a candidate, someone on the IPMC starts a vote to accept the non-Member proposed Mentor(s) as an IPMC member? And then separately, the IPMC votes to accept the candidate as a podling? The implication is that if not all proposed Mentors are IPMC members, the vote to accept the candidate is out of order.

I'll be happy to propose a patch once I understand what it should say.



[1] http://incubator.apache.org/incubation/Process_Description.html

On Apr 9, 2007, at 7:46 PM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

Ted Husted wrote:

As I understand it, once the proposal is accepted, the Mentors listed
on the proposal become IPMC members. Once the proposal is accepted,
and the group becomes a podling, then, yes, all Mentors and IPMC

The Mentors being listed is interesting, but we had better be voting on PMC members separately. As contrasted with a single vote for the Committer and PPMC roster, if someone listed is not a PMC member, and not an ASF Member, I don't think that conflating those two votes is a good idea. In fact, I'd
say that it is a bad idea.

As to a podling proposal, I would suggest that we expect all Mentors
be ASF Members or IPMC Members. If someone would like to be a Mentor
but is not already a ASF Member, we could always elect that person to
the IPMC first, and then accept the proposal.


        --- Noel

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Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System http://java.sun.com/products/jdo
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P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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